Japan's Keio University professor Hiroshi Simizu shows a design sketch of his electric vehicle as he established the company to promote electric cars with in-wheel motors at a Tokyo hotel on August 24, 2009. Shimizu is well known as an inventor of electric vehicles and the manufacturer of an eight-wheeled vehicle that achieved over 370kph on its maximum speed

Japan's Keio University professor Hiroshi Simizu stands by his two-seater "Luciole" in-wheel electric motor vehicle, at a Tokyo hotel on Ausgut 24, 2009. Shimizu is well known as an inventor of electric vehicles and the manufacture of an eight-wheel vehicle which achieved a maximum speed of over 370kph.

Japan's Keio University professor Hiroshi Simizu stands by his "Eliica" in-wheel electric motor vehicle featuring eight wheels, at a Tokyo hotel on Ausgut 24, 2009. Shimizu is well known as an inventor of electric vehicles and the manufacture of an eight-wheel vehicle which achieved a maximum speed of over 370kph.